John Keating has accomplished many things for the residents of Frisco since first being elected in 2010 and is the leader we need to keep
Frisco the #1 city in America.

John Keating knows public safety is the most important issue any city faces in our nation. If you aren’t truly safe, you aren’t truly free! John fully “Backs the Blue” and supports all our first responders and will continue fighting to ensure our men and women in uniform have the resources they need to keep our city safe, as we continue to grow. Frisco consistently ranks among the top 5 safest cities in the country and in 2022 and 2023 was ranked number #1 Safest City in America!

As your City Councilman, John Keating has fought hard to keep Frisco one of the most fiscally responsible cities in our state, while maintaining a standard of excellence. John has diligently explored creative solutions to complex budget challenges with the goal of maintaining the lowest tax rate in the region, without looking like we have the lowest tax rate in the region! With smart investments and proper use of tax dollars, John has ensured our city has grown and thrived with responsible governance, leading to the current AAA S&P bond rating. In his next term on Frisco City Council, John will continue to fight for the hard-working Frisco taxpayer!

John Keating understands the important role our local business owners play in growing our economy. John’s vision for Frisco is to thrive as an innovation and venture capital hub where both local businesses and Fortune 500 companies can benefit from a highly educated, highly motivated workforce. John knows the power of a diversified tax base and how it can sustain a city through the toughest of times and help a city flourish during economic prosperity. Attracting and retaining emerging talent from within Frisco and around the world means north Texas will remain a dominant economic powerhouse in Texas and the country. Business leaders who invest in Frisco know they have a voice at city hall with John Keating.

John Keating has served from a place of transparency and accountability throughout his time on city council and will continue to uphold these values. John believes in the principal of quality governance and understands the role of municipal government in a fast-growing city like Frisco. John has an excellent record of working with city staff to ensure every action taken is legal and ethical.

Since his time on council, Keating has been a leader in innovative solutions and will continue to do so. Frisco has tested several autonomous vehicles, mail-delivery robots, and drone delivery models. Google Wing is a pilot project enjoying a lot of success and recently announced it would be expanding its footprint in Frisco by partnering with Walmart and CVS to provide more drone-delivery options across Frisco.

With Frisco’s population continuing to grow, John Keating remains committed to implementing solutions to reduce congestion and improve overall infrastructure. With careful planning, our roads, utilities, and public facilities can meet the needs of our growing community and improve our overall quality of life, keeping Frisco the #1 Suburb in north Texas.

As a proud veteran himself, John Keating serves on the Frisco Veteran Advisory Committee (FVAC) with the goal of making Frisco both Veteran Friendly and Veteran Ready! With the support of Mayor Cheney and city council, John led the update of the Veteran Memorial at Frisco Commons Park, helped make Frisco a Purple Heart City, and developed the “Mayor’s Distinguished Veteran of the Year” award, with seven recipients to date!

John Keating is committed to celebrating the different cultures, backgrounds and perspectives that make Frisco so exceptional. Frisco held its first International Fest in the Fall and it was a huge success in bringing the community together and showcasing our diverse makeup.